Chiang Mai Oh My

We’re currently on a remote island resort in the middle of a beach and it’s truly amazing, except for one teeny tiny problem. It’s raining. So, what else to do than sit in the only place with a wifi connection and write the next long overdue blog post ;) So let’s see, where are we up to? Chiang Mai, man I really need to try update this more. Chiang Mai is a really cool city in Northern Thailand filled with a lot of Western expats, and therefore plenty for travellers to do. The first thing we made sure to do was visit ‘By Hand’ pizza restaurant. OH BOY. It’s probably a little over your travelling dinner budget (about £6 a pizza) but Oh My God is it worth it. The menu also boasts an impressive vegan selection if you’re about that life. Go there. Do it. After a 6 hour bus journey from Sukhothai, we were bombarded by Tuk Tuks, something we still weren’t quite used to how to handle yet. Honestly, most Tuk Tuk drivers are lovely but most are definitely going to try and overc...