My (Failed) Giant Panda Experience at Singapore Zoo

We had known for a little while that for our first proper day in Singapore was going to be spent at the zoo and we were both really excited when that day came around, well, I was probably just a tad more excited ;). This was because I had found out the zoo had Giant Pandas, which are my all time favourite animal and I've always dreamed of seeing one. It is obviously a more expensive day out than the usual traveller budget, but it is without a doubt the best zoo I've ever been to. I don't usually agree with the concept of zoos, I think an animal should only be kept in captivity if it is unable to survive in the wild. Trust me when I say I have experience with bad zoos, aka animal prisons *cough* Moscow zoo *cough*, that have left me in tears due to such poor animal welfare. So when I say good zoo, I don't use the term lightly. However, I will say I am very against the Elephant show put on at Singapore Zoo, we were told by multiple people not to miss it and how a...