Small Ways to Save the Planet - Plastic Consumption

The planet is what I am truly passionate about and for just over a year now I have been trying to find new ways to lead a more sustainable life. This is something I believe we all need to do and the good news is, it's super easy to make small changes to do so! In this series, we're going to look at the different areas simple changes can be made in day to day life to have you living a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle in no time. How to Lower Your Plastic Consumption You've seen the dreadful pictures of plastic filled oceans. You've seen the video of the turtle having a straw pulled out of it's nose. You know the stories of turtles eating plastic bags thinking they are jellyfish, penguins having 6-pack rings stuck round their necks, countless wildlife choking on or being poisoned by the deadly chemicals polluting their home. But what can you do about it? Plastic is taking over our lives people! Did you know every toothbrush you have ever used is st...