New Year, New Blogger?!?!
What's that sorry?You forgot I existed?...well I guess I can't really blame you there
Hey everyone, yes I know it's been a while but what can I say? I am a busy girl BUT this year mama is gonna turn it around! That's right, a post a week people. I love this little blog and I would love to see it grow this year. I've got some big things planned and I can't wait to get started. Before we get into what's to come this year this year though, we've got to take a look back at 2017.
I'm just going to come out and say it, 2017 may be the best year of my life. I had the chance to do so many amazing things and have so many incredible experiences that I may not ever have again and I am so so grateful for them. Not to mention being extremely proud of myself for working hard and allowing a lot of them to happen.
If you've been reading my blog, or follow any of my social media at all, then it's obvious to you that this year I took a gap year and went travelling. My boyfriend and I spent 3 months in South East Asia and travelled to 6 different countries. Yup you guessed it, it was without a doubt the most amazing and eye-opening experience of my life. No, of course it wasn't all wonderful (food poisoning ain't fun) but that's what makes you feel even more accomplished as soon as you land back home. Not to mention lots of people thought we wouldn't make it was extra fun to prove them wrong ;)
The main thing I learnt from travelling, was definitely how important this little planet we call home is to me. I had the opportunity to see beautiful locations that I want my great great grandkids to have the chance to see. They won't be able to do that if we don't start looking after our world. I was also able to walk up close with rescue elephants in a sanctuary, an experience that I can thank for opening my eyes to the huge amount of unfair animal cruelty in this world. If it wasn't for such a harrowing experience, I don't know how I would have got that final kick up the arse to try veganism. I owe that all to Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand <3
Back in April, my bloody marvellous boyfriend ran the London marathon at age 19. After seeing how hard he worked and how much he trained, managing to see his big smile through the huge crowd of runners and spectators was probably the proudest moment of my life so far. You rock Jay.
In September, I started University. This was a big step in life I was really trying to push back doing, but you know what? I did it. Yeah, it's really bloody hard but so far I've made some great friends, got good grades, and I'm just about managing to stay sane only seeing my boyfriend once every 2 weeks. So I'm pretty proud of myself.
AND I started this blog!!!
2017, you were good to me, but we must continue onwards. So, what's to come in 2018?
Usually I have resolutions about eating better but that's pretty darn easy to do when your vegan so that wouldn't really be a proper resolution. More exercise is always good though.
I have made a productivity and positivity journal for this year so one resolution is definitely to keep that up because I am already finding it extremely helpful (expect a post about this soon!).
To read more. My goodreads challenge for this year is 12 books (I know that doesn't sound like a lot but I'm a slow reader OK)
To travel to at least 3 countries
Bettering my lecture attendance...we don't need to get into that one...
and as I said before...blogging once a week woohoo. Seriously, feel free to all tell me off if there isn't a new post next week. I only have 3 more travel diary posts (which is sad) and then I have SO many more ideas that I can't wait to get into!!!
Happy new year to all of you lovely lot. I'd love to know your guys favourite parts about last year and your new year resolutions <3 I know I'm rubbish, but thanks for sticking with me
Lon x

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